How do I book a date for a photo shoot?
You choose an approximate shooting date (you can two or three days) and fill out the application form on our website. A photographer contacts you, and this number automatically "becomes yours." During the entire preparation for the shooting we actively write off and tell our clients about all the issues of interest.
In what form do you give photos?
Photos we upload to the Internet on the file sharing service and give you a link. If you are still on the island by this time - write to disk. Your photos are kept with us forever. If for some reason you lost the pictures or the disc, we will always help to restore the pictures.
How long does the treatment take?
Processing photos is an important part of creating quality photos. We take it seriously. Photos go through several stages of processing: beginning with color correction and finishing with a proprietary retouch from the designers of The processing of images, on average, takes three weeks.
I want to shoot "Phototour", but I do not know where to go ...
Our photographers know the most paradisiacal places on the island. You will be offered unusual and fabulous corners, from which together with you will be compiled a route. If you have ever dreamed of visiting a waterfall, volcano or a beautiful lake, we will gladly realize our dream.
Which outfits to choose for shooting?
It is advisable to choose bright colors. Clothes should not be shackling and uncomfortable. For girls, a fluttering dress fits well, and for men - light trousers / breeches and a shirt. Also stylists and make-up artists are always ready to come to your aid. They will help pick out the outfit before the photo session. Will tell which colors and styles to give preference.
I have never had a professional photo shoot, and I'm very worried ...
Do not be shy and embarrassed photographer - this is an ordinary person. He will make the process of photo session an easy and fun pastime. We care about our customers, so always before the photo session there is a meeting, where once again all the nuances and your wishes with the photographer are discussed.

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